Eleanor's Florist

The Number One Florist in County Kerry, Ireland for Flowers and Flower Gifts

Eleanor's Florist, Tralee, Kerry, IrelandEleanor's Florist Tralee

Florist’s Choice

Hand-tied Bouquet


Florist’s Choice

Hand-tied Bouquet


Florist’s Choice

Hand-tied Bouquet


Florist Choice Hand-tied Bouquet


Please note that due to the seasonal availability of flowers it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown. We may substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality and value. Where our designs include a sundry item like a vase or basket it may not always be possible to include the exact item as displayed. If such an occasion arises we will make every effort to replace the item with a suitable alternative.

Eleanor’s florists will create an amazing hand-tied just for your special someone and deliver it perfectly pre-arranged in a stylish vase for minimum fuss on arrival.

Because every design is unique and seasonal, we can’t guarantee exactly which flowers wil be chosen. What we absolutely can guarantee though is that the end result will really knock their socks off!

How can we be so sure? Because it’s what Eleanor’s florists do every day of the week in our shop in Tralee.

Give them the opportunity and they’ll conjure up a marvellous bouquet in the way that only they know how.



· A bespoke design using fresh, seasonal flowers

· Delivered perfectly pre-arranged and vase ready.

· Hand-crafted by a local artisan florist

· Contactless delivery for your peace of mind

· 7 days (or more!) of gorgeousness guaranteed

· Beautifully gift-wrapped in kind-to-the-planet packaging

Florist’s Choice

Hand-tied Bouquet


Florist’s Choice

Hand-tied Bouquet


Florist’s Choice

Hand-tied Bouquet


Florist’s Choice

Hand-tied Bouquet


Florist’s Choice

Hand-tied Bouquet