Eleanor's Florist

The Number One Florist in County Kerry, Ireland for Flowers and Flower Gifts

Eleanor's Florist, Tralee, Kerry, IrelandEleanor's Florist Tralee
Beautifully Classic Autumn Bouquet ALFHTU2-1

Valentine’s Day 50 Luxury Red Roses 306.00

Valentine’s Day 100 Luxury Red Roses 598.00

Classic Autumn Bouquet AHTU1-1Trending  Autumn Vase Interflora130824-ATV0100_MAIN

Valentine’s Day 24 Luxury Red Roses 156.00

18 Sumptuous Red Roses 124.00

Trending Autumn Gift Box Interflora 130824-ATGB0100_MAIN

All My Love Bouquet 98.00

Classic Autumn Bouquet AHTU1-1Trending  Autumn Vase Interflora130824-ATV0100_MAIN

Special Love Gift Box 64.00

12 Red Roses Gift Set 115.00

Trending Autumn Gift Box Interflora 130824-ATGB0100_MAIN

”Love blooms like a flower, but only the expression of love fills it with fragrance”

Valentine’s Day 2025

To contact us call:

(+353) 66 7121139

Eleanor's Florist TraleeEleanor's Florist, Tralee, Kerry, Ireland

Please note that due to the seasonal availability of flowers it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown. We may substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality and value. Where our designs include a sundry item like a vase or basket it may not always be possible to include the exact item as displayed. If such an occasion arises we will make every effort to replace the item with a suitable alternative.

Valentine’s Day Luxury 12 Red Roses 90.00

Classic Autumn Gift Box AGBOXU1-1
Trending  Autumn Vase Interflora130824-ATV0100_MAIN

Gift Wrapped Red Roses from 75.00

Cocoa Dusted Truffles 200g 7.00

‘I Love You’ Balloon 7.00

Six ‘I Love You’ Balloons 44.00