Eleanor's Florist |
The Number One Florist in County Kerry, Ireland for Flowers and Flower Gifts |
Delivery Area |
Eleanor’s Florist is based in Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland. If you look at the google map, our delivery area is bounded by Miltown and Castlegregory to the south, Castleisland to the east and Lixnaw and Ballyduff to the north. We don’t cover Ballybunnion or Listowel, sorry - they are just that bit too far. The Atlantic Ocean does not allow our delivery van to go further west. Also Eleanor’s Florist is a member of Interflora International and can send orders worldwide through that network. If you can’t find your delivery address please either call us at (+353) 066 7121139 or email us at info@eleanors.ie Eleanor’s Florist is situated at A in the map below. |
What area does Eleanor’s Florist cover? |